I Let's see, this week? It was a blur but it was quite intense. Not much preaching on the streets this week. I have started my discipleship phase but things have not been all easy. The man I am teaching was attacked spiritually so pray for him, his name is Jason. Jason's son fell ill and has been in hospital all week from a chest infection.
I have also been the subject of spiritual warfare, but nothing that the Lord cant handle with your prayers. So what has happened this week: I am waiting for some exciting news about the Church administration. Still waiting to her about going on the radio but met someone who can help with that. Been visiting some churches in the area and made some good contacts that will be important for the future of our Church. Now I understand why Paul attended Temple or Synagogue as a part of his evangelistic strategy. It makes good sense now that I'm doing it. This coming week is all about revelry, so pray for us that there is no loss of life, no serious incidents and that the people are safe. Pray for the people to be more receptive after the season of revelry than ever before. Pray for me, my host family and the mission for protection, provision and effectiveness. I must say, the greatest news of all is that today, I have completed my book, "God (Elohim) is a black man". This is absolutely fantastic from my point of view because this work weighed heavy on my heart and now its finished. It is currently in review and should be available by the end of this week. To find out more visit www.hebrewapostolic.com/resources
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So I went into a cafe and sat down to talk to a young man that was interested in hearing more about being a Hebrew Apostolic. What I didn't know was that Yah had sent a young lady into the same cafe (let's call her Jen) who was sitting excitedly talking to her friend on the other side of the room. As Jen got up to leave, I commented on her lovely 1611 Bible and she replied, "It's a gift!" I asked her if it had any special meaning like being a Hebrew Israelite and she looked back at me surprised as though I was weird for asking such a question and from there, we got into a deep conversation. Out of this, I would like to share with you 8 reasons why being finding out or being a Hebrew Israelite/ Hebrew Apostolic is important.
1. I remember being asked by a minister what's so important about this Hebrew thing? Yes you might find out as a person of colour, that you are a Hebrew-Israelite so what? Well the fact is that truth is important. If we have been lied to, deceived and just plain old had our heritage and everything stolen wouldn't the truth go some way towards helping you to understand the issues? That's because truth matters and lies mislead because they cover up the truth. 2. If someone came to your house, stole your birth certificate, passport and land deeds and put their name on them and stole your identity effectively, would it matter. The answer is, "Of course it does!" Well what has happened is that the greatest act of identity theft has occurred and almost everyone is saying it doesn't matter. A people have had their identity stolen, a group has been mishandled because of a case of mistaken identity and a people's heritage has gone missing and their memory limited to slavery and modern times, but what happened to before slavery? 3. The first two points of truth and identity has led to a third problem for the people who have been deceived and that is a loss of self-esteem. Our young people especially have a problem because if you don't know where your'e coming from, you can't clearly see where your'e going. The lack of history and accomplishment has made a people to feel that they are nothing. 4. The next point is that before our Messiah can return the Gospel must be preached among all nations. It is currently being preached among the Gentiles. The thing about this is that the declaration among the true Hebrews has only just started and there is a question over what the Gospel really is. For until the Gospel in its entirety is preached to all nations, the end cannot yet come. Knowing that this requirement exists, I believe everything is being done to hinder the preaching of the Gospel. 5. Not only must the Gospel be preached, but there must be an awakening of the Hebrews before Messiah returns. That the Hebrews would fall into a deep sleep was told us by the Prophet Isaiah and that they would both sleep and awaken was confirmed to us by the Apostle Paul in Romans 11. The Hebrews have slept for almost two thousand years, but now the mercy of Yah has returned to us in the form of the awakening. Many do not know why they are growing their beards. Most don't understand why they have a craving to know where they came from or seek information about their origins. Its all about the awakening that is happening - the Hebrew people are getting conscious. Unfortunately when we awaken we are all very different - some wake up calmly and quietly others noisily or angry but awaken we must and awaken we will. 6. Knowing these things changes your relationship to Yah, it makes it personal, vibrant and real. The Bible becomes a love story written to you and your family personally. Prayer become a talk with your Father and personal Elohim. The way you address Him, read about Him and relate to Him changes because no longer is He the God of the white man or the God of the Jews who has allowed you access, but the Elohim of your forefathers and your God and King. 7. Yes being a Hebrew Apostolic is important because the doctrines of the Old and New Testament may not make sense until you know Him and learn about Him from the mouth of His apostles and disciples. The apostles explain the teachings of the Old Testament as they were meant to be applied in the New Testament period. The explain how to live the saved life for all who wish to follow Yahoshuah. They explain prophecy and what is to come in a down to earth way that explores Daniel's vision and Ezikiel's vison for our time. They explain how Elohim is one and how to baptise people who want to be saved. The teaching of the Apostles compliments and completes my identity as a Hebrew by taking me beyond Judaism and into Apostolic truth. 8. There is a saying that to find out where we are on Elohim's time clock you must watch the Jews. The problem is the world has been watching the wrong clock by watching the wrong Jews. The right time clock to gauge the closeness of the return of Yahoshuah are the true Hebrews (persons of colour). As you see Yah dealing with us, you know the coming of Yahoshuah is near. As you see them awakening, preaching the Gospel, discovering their identity, returning to their land, getting hold of Apostolic doctrine and fulfilling prophecy, then you know the time of the Gentiles is coming to an end and that the return of Messiah is near. To finish off this article, I have given 8 reasons why its important to be a Hebrew Apostolic and its based on the truth that the so called Jews are not Jews at all and that the real Hebrew people are the persons of colour in the Caribbean, the Americas and other parts of the world. However, you can read about this more in my books, "Black skin royal identity" or "Hebrew Israelite by 5 undeniable proofs". Why not visit the website: www.hebrewapostolic.com/resources to check it out. I recently did a YouTube item called 'Simon says'. I want to take another look at this in my blog today, so here goes. Instead of 'Simon says' lets say that 'Simon says, but do you believe it?'
Simon says that he is the real 'Jew' but his DNA says he is European (a descendant of Japheth). It says that he is of a 'Turkaic nation' and therefore is not qualified to be a 'Jew'. The DNA of the dead people in the ground bears no relationship to the people living in the land and on the ground (University of Huddersfield study). In fact the DNA study concludes that the people bearing the nearest resemblance to the people in the ground are the persons of colour in the Caribbean and the Americas. Do you believe Simon today? Simon says that he is the real 'Jew' but prophecy says that he is of the 'Synagogue of Satan' and there is only one group currently worshiping in a synagogue. It says that those people will one day bow down and worship at the feet of another group of people who are the 'true Jews' (Revelations 2:9 and 3:9). The prophecies outline that the true Jews will be in slavery for 400 and 430 years. That the true Jews would go into slavery by ships. That the true Jews would be asleep so that the fullness of the Gentiles would be able to come in but that Elohim would visit them again and awaken them. It says that those who enslaved and mistreated the true Jews will one day serve them. Do you believe Simon or the Bible? Simon says that he is the real 'Jew' but history says that he is a Khazar that converted to Judaism out of inconvenience under a leader called King Bulon in the 7th Century that confessed they were descendants of Japheth's grandson Ashkenaz (from whence come the Ashkenazi Jews to which the Bible agrees). History says that the 'true Jews' were driven from Israel by the Romans and ran to sub-saharan Africa and set up kingdoms that were later targeted by Europeans on the west coast and Arabs on the East coast. History says that the true Jews were enslaved and sent to the Caribbean, the Americas and many of the Arab states and still reside there. Do you believe Simon or History? Simon says that he is the real 'Jew' and so do the European pastors that support him, but there is a problem when we check the Genealogy because the linage of Shem leads to Semitic people and Semitic and Hamitic people are all persons of colour. The consideration that Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees, aka Assyria, aka Mesopotamia, aka Sumeria, aka Babylon opens the simple truth that these are all the same country and the people who were of this land of old were all black. So Abraham is born in a black country and is therefore likely to be? Black! As we go through the rest of the Genealogy we find every major character including Moses is black because he survived Egypt 'land of the burnt faces' for forty years because he looked just like them. The same is true of Joseph who marries one of them and has two black boys (Ephraim and Manesah). Now let's skip, Yahoshuah was sent to Egypt with Mary and Joseph (why there? Because they were able to be a needle in a haystack in Egypt - blacks among blacks). Now I have only mentioned a few people in the genealogy because this is already the largest paragraph. Do you believe Simon or the genealogy? Last but no least, Simon says he is the real 'Jew' and so do the supportive theologians. However because of the Curses of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26, Simon is disqualified from being Israel because to be qualified they would have to be cursed for breaking Yah's covenant. The current contenders are too blessed as a group to be the true Jews. The true Jews would have experienced continuous slavery, rape, oppression, dispossession, lack of history, lack of a memory of their inheritance, sicknesses, continued impoverishment and oppression, hatred, violence and subjugation. Instead Simon is the richest of all nations and people, Simon controls banks, politicians, media, property and business. Simon is in fact the dominant power of this world which disqualifies Simon. Do you believe Simon or the curses? You can of course neglect all the information and evidence provided here that Simon is not who he says. But then why would his own Elohim turn against him so directly if that is the case in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9? The truth is simple but the true Jews are so dispised as a people and so mis-educated as a group that even they cannot believe that they are the real Jew and the true Hebrews. We are "Hebrew Israelite by 5 undeniable proofs" read the book and you can prove it for yourself. www.hebrewapostolic.com/resources - Shalom! Since the last time I posted, I have had the best time and the worst time all together. This week has been a time for a few spiritual warfare attacks. Nothing the Lord is not aware of or that I should give a lot of time to but they were distracting. Things like technology crashing and people messing up, but Elohim is still on the throne.
We completed on the paperwork to set up the church, I made lots of progress for my latest book, "God (Elohim) is a black man". This book should be out by the end of July and its somewhat controversial. I also made some considerable contacts when I went out and that was very encouraging. Elohim also gave me a massive revelation about how I'm to conduct the mission that made the whole week forgettable concerning the trials. This revelation has made me more encouraged than anything else and its a simple word about strategy and organisation for the mission that has changed everything. When Elohim speaks to us, everything changes. Apart from this, I ate lots of mango and some Guineps for those who know what that is. Its so nice to be in the sun for a while and get the cold out of my system. The vitamin D makes me get up early and enjoy the environment so much, but I miss my family and my country and look forward to coming home in the near future. I must say, I love going away and I love coming home. The mark of a true traveler, I love both and were it not for this calling on my life I would be satisfied with staying home. End of another week, progress is slow but sure. Please pray for me that progress will speed up in every area of the mission. Pray for me to have the wisdom I require to do a good job. Pray for me that I will be focused on the things that are important. Pray for me that I will continue to keep my peace and be prayerful. Thank you This week has been both a week to celebrate and a week of frustration. Starting with the Celebration. This week I released my book, "The Singleness of God (Elohim)" A book born out of revelation of who Elohim is and how to share Him with others. Check it out https://www.createspace.com/7304225.
Added to this, I wrote a proposal to be on one of the local radio stations and I believe it wont be too long before I'm on the radio down here. Another thing to celebrate is that what I have been preaching on the streets has been taken up by one of the local radio stations and I'm on the radar. They were discussion on observer radio about the issues I have raised and that is good news because the profile of my message is increasing. Now after those good news items, what could possibly be frustrating me? We its just what we call culture stress. The way things are done here in the Islands is somewhat different and different can be either scary or frustrating. At this point its just plain old frustrating. There are a number of business items that have been taking their time going through the system (I'll tell you when they are completed). The point is they are really simple but the system for getting them done and the pace at which things get done is quite frustrating. So how can you pray for me? Pray for my core group to grow and people to be converted. Pray for a meeting place to come through and for the administrative business items to be completed successfully. Do check out my latest book released yesterday: https://www.createspace.com/7304225 Blessings - Dr T So what's the hardest thing about being a missionary?
It could be missing your family, but modern technology has made it easier for us to communicate with our family and friends daily at little or now cost? It could be learning a new culture, but depending on your personality, that could be perceived as a challenge and an adventure? Yet you know what, we do like things done in a certain way don't we? I discovered that for me, one of the things I find particularly annoying here on the field is that the local culture here is to drip feed information. So you ask about something and rather than tell you the bird's eye view of what you need to do, they give you it in bits and every time you think you have finished, they tell you something else they could have told you before you started and could have planned into your schedule. For me that's ggggggggggrrrrrr! It could be learning a new language, which pans out as the same thing as the point before this one. It could be finances, but you should have friends and family who are willing to support you or even those that hear about the mission and are touched and decide to support for that reason (any of you out there, just let me know). Support is in prayer and also in finances for the missionary represents those that stay at home by bring them on the field through their support. The hardest thing for a missionary shouldn't be spiritual disciplines, because sometimes all you have is prayer and your Bible. It definitely shouldn't be preaching or soul winning or else you should never have left home. If your'e not a soul winner at home, what makes you think you can be one abroad. Some missionaries suffer from culture shock, but that's only if you are not familiar with the country. Things like finding out you don't get water, electricity all day or even every day. Sometimes the phones don't work like you're used to. The internet is slower than you are used to that kind of stuff will shock you. When folks respond to you at snail pace for everything or simple things. That will stress a guy. That is until you let it go. Get over it, your'e in a developing country and by the way, you know things in your country don't always perform up to standard anyway, right? So the hardest things is not the shock stuff, its actually the stress stuff. Stuff you'll never get used to because they will continue to stress you because they go against your ethics, character, personality or general disposition. The things that stress me are the things I know don't take long that the locals just drag out. Or things that are simple that the locals make look complicated. I got a theory its colonialism that has affected the minds of some people. For instance, every thing here is sown up by the lawyers. If you want to burp, "You need a lawyer to help you with that" (you get the idea). Its quite frustrating to meet that mentality where simple things that you take for granted are suddenly taken out of your domain. One more frustration is the technology I'm used to. I suddenly can't do tech. "Horror, gasp, squinge, flap, flap, scream." I consider myself a high-tech minister and to suddenly be without constant access (we're getting there and continue to work on it), it's rather scary. So to summarize for today, the hardest things are doing without the things you are used to and take for granted. My beautiful wife, my sometimes annoying children. An ice cream or your favorite pop-corn. Access to my server, my study books, knowing where to go to get things done and being able to action them without waiting for days or weeks for something simple to be done. Did I mention the cost of things being even more expensive than the UK? Time to end the rant, please pray for me and continue to follow the blogs. If you'd like to support my mission financially, just write me at [email protected]. Did I mention my new book coming out on Friday July 14? Check it out and get a discount until Friday if you are an early bird. The book is called, "The Singleness of God (Elohim)" The cost is: £9.99 but with the code you get 30% off until Friday midnight GMT. Here's the web address: www.hebrewapostolic.com/resources and the discount code is: 2EW5V5F8. Speak to you later Alligator. LOL Bye for now!
This book was written as a follow on from the book, “Black skin royal identity” which came about due to the needs of Hebrews for a revelation and understanding of their identity and the identity of their God.
In this book, we take another significant step by unwrapping teaching that enables a Hebrew to understand the identity of the God of the book written to them, “The Bible” which is not a gentile book, but a book given by Elohim to His people. So this book sets out to equip Hebrew Apostolics with the knowledge that is required to know their God (Elohim) and refute teachings from multiple perspectives about the Godhead including Arians, Trinitarians and polytheistic believers in a simple way. This book is also designed to help pastors to develop the work of Yah through the understanding of who our Elohim really is and how to share that understanding with those around them so that they are taught the correct doctrine and are able both to stand and to rebut any incorrect teaching about the Godhead in a biblical way. This book also helps its readers to grow from simple leaders of tens to those with a greater capacity, who will be able to lead hundreds and even thousands. This book does however have one specific purpose; which is that we can implement what we learn to awaken Hebrew apostolics all over the world and in so doing hasten the return of our Yah and Saviour who is Yahoshuah our Messiah. Visit our resources page at www.hebrewapostolic/resources Here are 22 reasons why the so called Jews are fake and faking it to make it. But it wont work. You are either a Hebrew or a gentile and Askhenaz is definitely a gentile according to Genesis 10:2-5. Notice v2 Japheth is the forefather of Ashkenaz (v3). Ashkenaz (by these were the Isles (Islands) of the Gentiles divided.
So Ashkenaz is a Japhethite Gentile and no Gentile can be called a Jew since a Jew is a non-gentile. For more information: www.hebrewapostolic.com/resources So this week, I met a number of characters that were attracted to me. One was called Raw Dust and another was called Juicy. These two are around regularly and listening to me whenever they come on by.
This is the start of something, because I'm beginning to meet and connect with men. Pray for this, because the thrust is definitely to meet and convert men. Not because I'm sexist, but because this message is for men and women will come once the men are in the house anyway. So I've prayed for some people, ministered to some, one of whom met me on the street and said thank you after having tried to ring me but not get through (The people of the islands have a habit of flashing you and then ringing off expecting you to ring back - to save them credit). Each day, I connect with two or three people and get their numbers, but I've been working on getting my work ethic right and building momentum. I get up early go to one of the two stations and preach from 7-9 Mon-Fri with Saturday having a different agenda. In the midst of my preaching I take a break to speak to any interested parties. That works, but I still feel there is a missing element. Pray for me that Elohim will fill in the blanks and help me to develop my methodology in line with the Apostles. I have the feeling that there is something more and I'm reading the book of Acts to understand and practicing everything its teaching me to get the results that they got. If we want apostolic results, we must follow the apostolic mandate and the apostolic examples. So at the end of this week, I feel tired because the sun is hot. I don't feel I have accomplished all that I would have liked to, and that's comforting because its normal. I do feel I'm making progress with a number of things such as: 1. Learning the people culture 2. Meeting plenty of new people 3. I'm making progress with regards to getting on the radio 4. Making progress with registering the Church So this coming week: 1. pray for me for Elohim to send me labourers 2. Pray for me to get on the radio 3. Pray for me to be successful in evangelism Thank you if you been praying for and with me and if you are a fellow soldier in this battle to share and spread the truth of Elohim's Word. Blessings to you SAs you may be aware, I have been in the Caribbean for about two weeks. I'm here on mission, so pray for me. What has amazed me is how little people have heard about being a Hebrew. Even less do most understand the Godhead. I have found all kind of confusion about what the Godhead means and varied explanations of which none of them are biblical.
So many people professing to be Christians or even preachers and speaking what is not Biblical out of their mouths and being stubborn to, "be born a whatever and die a whatever". The problem is that eternity is too long to be wrong. So I'm preaching but I'm also writing to hopefully turn someone away from the shortsighted teaching of the trinity and other falsehoods about the Godhead. There can really only be one (remember the film)? So in typical response to error, my heart was moved to study and present the teaching of the, " Singleness of Elohim" to all you Hebrews out there. Firstly the trinity is a Babylonian-Roman Catholic teaching that has come down from antiquity and perverted the Christian world, but was never believed by the prophets, Yahoshuah, the apostles or disciples. Secondly the trinity is not in the scripture as a word or a concept, because the Hebrew concept of Elohim (God) is one. It always has been and always will be. By this I do not refer to the "Jewish" but to the true Hebrews of the African/ Caribbean/ African American bloodline. Thirdly since the trinity is unbiblical, the connection can only be cut by belief of that which is biblical and truth. This can only be received by those seeking truth and willing to prove it to themselves. That is after all what I am looking for, those willing to test the truth and either accept or reject it after study. So here is the deal, my new book on this is coming out shortly, but you can get in early and get a copy. Visit https://www.createspace.com/7304225 |
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