Singleness of God (Elohim)
Black Skin Royal Identity (Flagship book)
A must read for all black people, but especially if you're from the Caribbean, North America or south America. This book sets out multiple infallible proofs to the identity of the true people of the Book (Bible) and where they are today.
If you happen to be religious or even wondering why black people in general lack a sense of identity, history, achievement and greatness, this book unwraps these things for you. Using a range of facts, Dr Udennis unlocks a creaky but well secured door that has been blocked and locked to persons of colour in order to keep them from a mesmerising truth that needs to be exposed and proclaimed to a specific kind of black person. Read more Just $17.99
It'a published today - GOD (ELOHIM) IS A BLACK MAN (Brand new book)
Now also available - Hebrew by 5 Undeniable proofs (NEW)
Now Available - The Hebrew Discipleship manual Volume 2 (NEW)
This book is a part of a series and is about the doctrine that a Hebrew needs to be clear about and understand.
There are certain basic but incredibly important subjects in the Bible that must be understood in order to be balanced and strong. This book lays out in simple yet comprehensive terms the, "Bread of the Word" that allows Hebrews to grow from strength to strength. This book will also benefit Christians, especially those of the Hebrew Apostolic or Pentecostal persuasion. |
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